1: The GM/Administrator or any other high ranked person should NEVER Publicly embarrass it's members no matter what.
I needed to find a example for this, and i did. So here it is for all to see. Even though the GM/Administrator of this site did not mention any names he or she shouldn't of done. Yes maybe the people involved were wrong but still that is no reason to post what you are about to see.
When reading this it reminded me of my school days when you'd be in class and the teacher would turn and say some of you have been very naughty and you know who you are.
He or she turns round and says that they respect the people that were in the wrong. Right if they did they would have made this posting. The person also says that they are in no way getting to the member here again yeah right whatever. Come on who does this GM/Administrator think he or she is. They must be on one hell of a power trip....
So here it is:
Today the chatbox was used wrongly and abusively. I am not getting at members here, but when you signed for this forum, you agreed to this statement::-
You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-oriented or any other material that may violate any applicable laws. Doing so may lead to you being immediately and permanently banned
The people know who they are, I am in no way judging anyone, for I respect them for who they are. But when younger members sign in, yes me included, it is not right, and some parts and ages, not legal. I agree with these rules, and so was implemented onto this site. You also agreed when you signed up for the forum. I do not want to see this again. I apologize to anyone who was offended by the chat, and I am sorry for the people that did break the rules, you are on this forum, and you signed to that agreement. I would aslo like to post this:-
Rule 6: Enforcement Your participation in the Forums is subject to modification, deletion, access limitation or ban, by moderators, at their sole discretion, without notice or appeal. I retain the right, at its sole discretion, to edit content and limit users' access that I consider inappropriate. I am not responsible for any failure or delay in taking such actions
Thank you,
Site Administrator.
To Sum this all up yes these members were in the wrong and did break the rules most likely by reading what the administrator said but in no way should they have made this post. They shouldn't have even mentioned it. A better way would have been to do a forum listing stating that they would like to remind all members of the forum rules.